
Free Training Series

One of the hardest parts of investing is finding where to start. Many people search for years without success. Others get close, but miss a key element. This series will show you where to begin and how to progress. 


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5-Star Google Review

The Motion Trader platform is an outstanding resource for any level of share trader on the ASX. I really like that in addition to the daily share recommendations, Jason gives me weekly insights from documented examples of how to better manage my share portfolio.

Through the year that was 2020, having the Motion Trader insights, was like having a great supporting side line coach. Invaluable.

Malcolm B


GameStop’s Hidden Story + 3 Small Caps

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Which of these 11 Stocks Could Be the Next Big Thing?

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Why Uranium Could Boom + 3 Stocks to Buy

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Using Algorithms to Find Little Known Stocks

Click here to give a thumbs up or leave a comment Click here to read transcript Host: Switching gears to a quant conversation and our next guest has come along with three stocks to buy. If you know your candle sticks from bars, let’s find out what he’s buying and why Jason McIntosh joins us […]

Truth About Short Selling [And What To Do Instead]

Click here to give a thumbs up or leave a comment Click here to read transcript When people hear the words “bear market”, many of them instantly think of short selling. They believe that shorting a falling stock is a simple way to grow their account. And they quickly start looking for stocks to short. […]

Shorting a Stock – A Warning to Traders

Click here to give a thumbs up or leave a comment Click here to read transcript Short selling sounds so logical. You find a stock that you believe is heading lower, and you sell it short. With so many underperforming companies on the exchange, you’d think it was an easy way to make money. Backing […]

Two Shortcuts to Better Share Trading

Click here to give a thumbs up or leave a comment Click here to read transcript Starting out in the market is hard. You see people who are already successful, and you wonder how you’ll ever get there. When you’re starting from scratch, the task can feel so overwhelming. Just figuring out where to start […]

This is How the Pros Sell Shares

Of all the professional exit strategies, the most widely used would have to be the trailing stop. This is the best way I know to make triple digit gains. The trailing stop is ideal for letting a profit run, while at the same time, giving you a clear-cut exit point for when a stock turn […]

How Trailing Stops Help Maximising Profit

Click here to give a thumbs up or leave a comment Click here to read transcript A question I often get is about trailing stops. People understand they’re a popular exit strategy. But they’re not sure how to apply them to their own portfolios. Don’t worry if that applies to you. This video is going […]

4 Secrets the Best Traders Know (But Most People Don’t)

Click here to give a thumbs up or leave a comment Click here to read transcript What makes a great trader or investor? Many people believe it’s about knowing when to buy. Others say it’s their skill for finding unknown stocks, or pinpointing the exact time to sell. But do you know what? They’re all […]

How I Buy Shares Cheaply

Click here to give a thumbs up or leave a comment Click here to read transcript How do you buy a stock cheaply? How do you get in at a low price before it gets expensive? Many people like to buy when as soon as the price falls. They’ll wait for a stock to drop […]

Don’t Buy Shares During A Bear Market Rally

Click here to give a thumbs up or leave a comment Click here to read transcript So when’s the most dangerous time to buy shares? Many people think it’s after a big price rise. They’ll say a stock is expensive and due for a fall. But do you know what… they’re often wrong. A stock […]

Want to Buy Shares Cheaply? Don’t Do This

Click here to give a thumbs up or leave a comment Click here to read transcript Everyone loves a bargain. It could be a half yearly clearance or a humble garage sale. A big discount can be hard to resist. The Boxing Day sales are a classic. Long lines snake around street corners. The prospect […]

Buying Cheaply Could Cost You Money

Click here to give a thumbs up or leave a comment Click here to read transcript Could you buy a rising stock too early? Many people say you can’t. They believe the sooner you buy the better. And this makes sense… clearly, the most profitable entry point is at the lowest price. So it’s totally […]

3 Tactics to Beat Uncertainty

Click here to give a thumbs up or leave a comment Click here to read transcript They say that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Put simply: A small certain result is better than a larger uncertain one. This centuries-old phrase says a lot about our mental wiring. Humans tend […]

Free Training Series

One of the hardest parts of investing is finding where to start. Many people search for years without success. Others get close, but miss a key element. This series will show you where to begin and how to progress. 


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5-Star Google Review

The Motion Trader platform is an outstanding resource for any level of share trader on the ASX. I really like that in addition to the daily share recommendations, Jason gives me weekly insights from documented examples of how to better manage my share portfolio.

Through the year that was 2020, having the Motion Trader insights, was like having a great supporting side line coach. Invaluable.

Malcolm B


It's About Finding the Right People to Learn From

One of the hardest parts of investing is figuring out where to start. With so many different paths and options to consider, it's easy to understand why so many beginner investors simply give up. But do you know what? Many of the best traders and investors began the same way… that’s because everyone starts from a point of no knowledge.

Becoming a better stock trader with our investment insights

One of the best things about trading in the stock market is that no one’s born an expert. You don’t need a fancy qualification or be employed by a Wall Street Bank. All you need is a bit of capital and the right people to learn from. The people who’ve been there themselves. The people who’ve experienced the same struggles and have come out the other side.

The aim of this website is to develop your trading and investing skills, and broaden your investment ideas. We offer a range of free videos and articles to help you develop a framework to build and manage your own share portfolio. You’ll also get trading insights on how to select stocks (and put the odds in your favour), when to buy stocks, and when to sell your share investments.

Our goal is to put you on the right path early in your investing career. We want to help you avoid the trading mistakes and big investment losses that many people experience. And we want to help you reach your goal without all the years of trial and error.

Hopefully, our articles and videos make the investment process a little bit easier for you.

Jason and the Motion Trader team


If you’d like to learn to trade and invest in stocks, register for our free video training on share trading for beginners. It explains the process many investors use to build profitable share portfolios and will give you the trading tips you need to have all the success in the world. We'll also give you the trading tips you need to move forward with confidence. The step-by-step instructions aim to help you start trading stocks right away.